Sample Outreach Educational Residency Programs
All residency activities are tailored to the needs of a specific population. Extended residencies can culminate in a public performance, informance or culminating activity. All residency activities encourage a planning session to ensure the desired result.
"I like how my class was dancing. My class was moving great
and on task."
-- Rashee, a 3rd grade student
"You are the best dance teacher in the world. Many schools
ain't lucky to have a school and class like us."
-- Raven, Gompers School 2005
"Thank you for teaching me how to fly."
-- Billy, a seven year old at Perkins Summer Camp
"Thank you for the wonderful time. My family and friends and
I really enjoyed the Artist-in-Residence (AIR) core group
and movement workshop. You do not know how much I learned.
Now, I can take dance to a new level and try to use what I
learned in AIR to dance practices, school, and my daily
-- Jasleen Kaur, 6th grade, Reiffton School, PA
Participants commented in their reflections/surveys
"No matter how old we get we have something special to
share." Dolores
"The workshops were very valuable to me. Exploring different
areas of my life and remembering how much influence people
had in my life." Jean
"One thing I learned about myself - how fortunate to still
feel able to move myself into dance motion at this stage of
my life. Another thing I learned was how much a part of my
life was visiting my grandmother, Doris, in Baltimore." Ruth
"The workshops were soul food, therefore necessary and
valuable. I did an overhaul of my apartment displaying
photos that I found amazing that I had kept over my life, so
that makes me a hunter, gatherer and keeper. I am the
survivor of those who "kept" good care of me." RoseMarie
"I learned how rich my personal history is already and how
much it will expand as I age." Megan
"We are all Keepers. We all have a story to share and they
are important." Marlene
In addition, selected stories were incorporated into
AMM & DCO's Home season concert, The Keepers Project,
a full-length mixed media work, May 31-June 2 at Christ
Church Neighborhood House.
"Thank you for the wonderful time. My family and friends and
I really enjoyed the Artist-in-Residence (AIR) core group
and movement workshop. You do not know how much I learned.
Now, I can take dance to a new level and try to use what I
learned in AIR to dance practices, school, and my daily
-- Jasleen Kaur, 6th grade, Reiffton School, PA
"AIR (Artist in- Residence) is awesome. I really appreciated
every second of it. I know I had a great time and hope you
did too! Hope to see you soon!"
-- Mike Case, 6th grade, Reiffton School, PA
"They danced. They pranced.
They thought They taught.
They sent.
They had the plays in just a few days.
The experience did me good even if I didn't think it would."
-- Ben Williams, 5th grade, Chilmark Elementary
School, MA
Residency List/Outreach
2024 - 2013 Ongoing Classes
Ongoing Yoga Classes, Whitman Library , 200 Snyder Ave. Phila, PA
2024 - 2013 Ongoing Classes
Ongoing Company Class
Oct.21,2022 Workshop
Community College of Phila, Zoom Workshop of AMM & DCO's Site Specific Work
For the English/Theater Department
June 4, 2022 Community Event
Summer Reading Kick-Off Celebration at Whitman Library, 200 Snyder Ave, sponsored
By Childrens' First, AMM&DCO conducted ABC's of Yoga for kids outside
Oct.16 noon-2pm, 2021 Community Event
Reading Promise Festival, Dickinson Square Park, 1600 Moyamesning Ave. Phila.PA, AMM&DCO conducted three Yoga Walks outside
Oct.13 3-5pm, 2021 Community Event
Reading Promise Festival, Mifflin Square Park 5th & Wolf St., Phila.PA,
AMM&DCO conducted Yoga Walk outside
2020 - 1985 Ongoing Classes
Weekly dance movement classes at University City Arts
League, Phila. PA
2019 Mini-residency
Temple University Dance Department, activities included a master class, senior seminar
and two performances of Strange Dreams, Phila. PA
2018 Professional Development for Librarians, Chair Yoga, Phila PA
2014 AMM & DCO participated
in Dance in Public Spaces sponsored by Dance
USA/Philadelphia February 15 & 25, The Gallery Market
Street East. This program featured free open rehearsals for
the general public.
2013 - 2012 The Keepers Project
was a year-long series of free dance theater workshops for
seniors 62-73 years old. It was instructed by Anne-Marie
Mulgrew and assisted by Megan Wilson Stern. Funded by a
Leeway Foundation Art & Change Grant, University City
Arts League (UCAL) was host venue and partner. Monthly
workshops took place from July 19, 2012 through June 18,
2013 in UCAL's second floor dance studio, 4226 Spruce
2013 - 2011 Care One
Residency, Monthly Dance/Movement
Workshops for Alzheimer patients, Moorestown, NJ, sponsored by Arts
2011, July 30 day residency McDaniels
School, Phila. PA. Activities included dance
workshops for 50 4-6th grader students in conjunction with
the Philadelphia School District and Philadelphia Arts in
Education Partnership's (PAEP) SLAM program.
2011, May - June 10 day residency Watson
Comly School, Phila. dance workshops for
kindergarten students, culminating in presentation of square
dance, folk dances and creative dance activities through
2010, June - July 30 day residency, McDaniels
School, Phila. PA included dance workshops
for K-2 students (SLAM Program) in conjunction with the
Philadelphia School District and Philadelphia Arts in
Education Partnership (PAEP) funded through the federal
stimulus program.
2009, July 14 day residency,Stetson
MS, Philadelphia, PA. Activities included
dance workshops for 40 K-5th graders as part of a cultural
enrichment program in conjunction with the Philadelphia
School District and Philadelphia Arts in Education
Partnership (PAEP) funded through the federal stimulus
2008, Sept. - Nov. 20 day residency Reiffton School,
Exeter, PA. Activities included workshops with 13-classes
of 6th graders, working with a core group to develop
student-driven as well as choreography by Ms. Mulgrew that
culminated in two presentations, (one for the entire
school of 750, the other for parents/families),
professional development workshops for teachers, open
workshop for the community, mentoring and collaborating
with the gym teacher who participated and at times
co-taught activities as well as working with the residency
team (art, music , social science and library teachers) to
integrate activities into the curriculum. Sponsored by PA
Council and PTA.
2008, Jan. - June 40 day residency, Owen
J. Roberts School District, Chester
County, PA. Activities took place in four schools-Vincent,
North Coventry, East Coventry, and French Creek. Core group
consisted of all 4th grade classes linking Latin American
themes to the curriculum. Program included a Professional
development Workshop for all participating lead teachers
(art, music, PE) in the four schools and four pre-residency
lecture-demonstration assemblies by AMM & DCO. Classes
and workshops were co-taught by Ms. Mulgrew and Joseph
Cicala. Additional classes involved the K-5 school
population. Sponsored by PA Council and the Owen J. Roberts
Educational Fund. Activities engaged 2,000 students,
teachers and staff.
2008, April Five day residency at the John
Winslow Elementary School, Vineland NJ
sponsored by Appel Farm Art and Music Center. Activities in
creative dance and movement education for K-2 students.
2007 Year-long program (10
sessions) for the Dance Matters statewide program funded by
Dance Affiliates for Russell Byers Charter
School and Independence
Charter School. Focus was experiential
learning. Activities included five field trips to Dance
Celebration programs at Annenberg Center, preceeded by
introductory dance workshops using the performance as a text
for learning. Core groups were 5th and 3rd grade students.
2006, June-August Three
day residency,Department of Human Services
School, Cherry Hill,
for 40 group home children with emotional issues age 6-13
years old funded by NJ Arts Council through the Institute
for the Arts and Humanities
2006, April-June 10 day residency, Spring
Garden Elementary School (Phila. PA)
20 (1st-2nd graders, funded by PA Council administered by
Philadelphia Arts In Education Partnership (PAEP) through
the Philadelphia School District.
2006, May Three day workshops,McMichaels
Elementary School(Phila, PA)
for 5 classes (100) pre-k students in association with the
Institute for the Arts-in-Education
2006, May Three dance workshops, Powell
Elementary School (Phila, PA)
Scholars Program, (Grades 2-4) held at the CEC in
association with the Institute for the Arts"in"Education
2006, April"May 10 day residency, Elmer
Elementary School, Elmer, NJ
1 presented by Appel Farm Arts and Music Center. The
residency consisted of hands"on dance workshops in creative
dance for 80 K"4 students, culminating in a presentation of
student dance compositions.
2005, Jan - April 20 day residency, Stafford
Intermediate School, Manahawkin, NJ,funded
by NJ Arts Council, administered through Young Audiences of
NJ. The residency consisted of three-four introductory dance
lessons for 24 six grade classes, more intensive work with 2
core groups of 5th & 6th grade students and mentoring a
new dance teacher to develop a curriculum for a new dance
program at the school.
2005, Dec.-May 10 day residency, Taggart
Elementary School, Philadelphia PA, as
part of the yearlong PACEP program for 300 middle school
students and 12 teachers funded by the US Dept. of Education
in association with the Institute for the Arts in Education.
2005, Winter Three Day Introductory
Dance Workshops, Gompers School,
Phila. PAfor 75 third grade students as part of The
Institute for the Arts-In-Education program.
2005, May Dance Workshop for The
Friends of the Free Library of
Philadelphia, West Oak Lane Branch, Phila. PA,
multigenerational group
2005, Jan. Girls Scouts
of America Dance Workshop, Career Day,
Appel Farm, Elmer, NJ Dance Workshop for 15 girls 7-12.
2005 - 2004 - 2003 Philadelphia Arts/Cultural
Educational Partnership-Dance Teaching Artist for The
Institute for the Arts-in-Ed., 36 hr. Professional
Development Winter Seminar for 20 middle school teachers
2004 - 2003 Teacher Development Dance
Workshop at Arthur Schalick School,
Bankbridge Elementary School,
Sewell NJ, and Appel Farm, Elmer NJ presented by Appel Farm.
2004, May-June Five day residency at Powell
Elementary School, sponsored by PA Council
for the Arts. Dance and Poetry residency for 1st and 4th
grades, exploring 2D & 3D texts for learning, residency
culminated in a presentation at the CEC, 3500 Lancaster Ave.
Phila, PA
2004, Spring Five day residency at Harding
Middle School, Phila. PA as part of the
PACEP program funded by the US Dept.of Education in
association with the Institute for the Arts in Education.
2002, Summer Summer Camp Dance Workshops
for teens, Perkins Center for the Arts,
Moorestown, NJ, culminated in an outside presentation.
2002, May Bonsall
Elementary School, Camden NJ, six day
residency May 28-June 3 culminating in a presentation for
120 K-1st graders sponsored by Perkins Art Center. Company
2002, Feb Five day residency at Penn
Treaty Middle School, Phila. PA in
conjunction with the Institute the Arts-In-Education and the
US Dept. of Ed.
2001, Jul-Aug >Millville ACE
Summer Art Camp, sponsored by the
Millville Development Corporation. Youth aged 5-19
culminating in presentation. Company residency.
2001 Artist-in-the-School
Residence Program sponored by The Yard with Chilmark
Elementary School, Chilmark MA, April 22 -
May 18, 2001. Full Company Residency.
2001 < Three Day Residency at St.
Anthony School in Camden, NJ sponsored by
Perkins Art Center, Mar. Moorestown NJ
2000 Three day visits to five
Philadelphia Elementary Schools (Fairhill,
Gideon, Sheppard, Cramp & Southwark) through the
Institute for the Arts-in-Education. October-December 2000.
2000-01 Dance Teaching Artist for
The Institute for the Arts-in-Education, Two Week Summer
Teacher Art Program, CAPA H.S.
Phila. PA. Worked daily with 30 public & parochial
school teachers.
2000, May-Jun Six Day Residency Powell
Elementary School, sponsored in part by
The Institute for the Arts in ED. Phila., PA. and a special
education grant. The scope of the residency involved
planning sessions, three lessons with every student - dance
materials built on the theme, China and an introductory
teacher workshop.
2000, May-Jun Three day workshops at Harrington
School, E.M. Stanton (Phila. PA) and Logan
Elementary (NJ) through The Institute for
the Arts-in-Ed.
2000, Feb Dance and Theater Residency
for the Creative and Performing Arts High
School in Camden, NJ. Six days of workshop
in collaboration with sculptor Eiko Fan through Perkins
Center for the Arts.
2000, Feb Three Day Creative Dance
Residency 3rd and 4th grade, Montgomery School,
Chester PA.
1999, Sep Dance Teaching Artist for
The Institute for the Arts-in-Ed, a four day workshop for Pennsylvania
Council for the Arts Artists in the
1999, Jul Dance Teaching Artist for
The Institute for the Arts-in-Ed Two Week Summer Teacher
Institute at CAPA HS, Phila PA.
Worked daily with 40 public school teachers in dance
1999 St. Agnes
School (K-8) six days funded by PCA.
Creative Dance activities were conducted by company Feb.
member, Joseph Cicala and Director, Anne-Marie Mulgrew.The
residency began with 2 - 30 minute Mar. assemblies to
introduce AMM & D CO to the school, followed by one
introductory hands-on workshop with every class in the
school. The theme was Peace in Our Schools. We worked
intensely (6 times) with a 3rd grade core group of 40
students and created three short dance works using the theme
as a springboard. The third grade class performed a 15
minute program as part of a 30 minute culmination assembly,
performed twice for the entire school population consisting
of students, teachers, school workers and invited guests.
Materials were well received! For many students it was their
first dance performance.
1999 Goshen Friends
Residency commenced with an information assembly for the
entire school (K-5) in the Feb. meeting room. Followed by
three hands-on workshop in creative dance (focusing on solo,
partnering and group activities) in the classrooms of every
class. Activities culminted in a final activity. Funded by
1998-99 Dance Teaching Artist for
The Institute for the Arts-in-Ed. Three-six day residencies
in Philadelphia and suburban schools
such as: Fitler, Finletter, Lowell, Emlen, Houston, St.
Albert the Great.
1998, Nov Penn State
University Guest Artist/Residency Project
over a ten week period Sept.-Nov. 1999 for the Sept. Penn
State Dance Company. Residency consisted of a 90 minute
class and a 90 minute rehearsal. The project culminated in a
new work for the 10 member company called U Pluribus Unum
that premiered at the Winter Dance Concert, Nov. 19 &
20, 1998.
"Thanks for teaching us new moves. Also, thanks for
letting us meet new people that we didn't know.You
let me know that I could do anything I could put my
head to."
Tori Holloway, 6th grade, Reiffton
School, PA
"You are the best dance teacher."
Robes Spring Garden School, Phila. PA
"Thank you for teaching me how to dance, I would like to
become a dancer and be flexible like you. I really enjoyed
dancing with you. I had a great time. I will really miss you
dancing with me. You dance great. It's very sad it is your
last day."
Raquel, Dept. of Human Services School, Cherry
Hill, NJ
"Working with you was relaxing, unusually fun,
expressive, creative, thrilling, a pleasure."
Samantha Smith, 4th grade, Chilmark Elementary
School, MA
"Thank you for giving me fun. I had a lot of fun when you
came into my classroom.
I love you as a friend."
Yailana Morales, 4th grade Cramp Elementary
School, Philadelphia, PA
"I enjoyed dancing. I enjoyed the mirror game.I also like the
Thank you for coming to Montgomery School."
T. C. Flowers, 3rd Grade, Montgomery School,
Chester Springs, PA